Depois do meu devocional fomos para a mesa tomar o desjejum e o vovô trouxe chocolate para a mesa para tomar com leite. Quando eu olhei para ele eu senti vontade de tomar o chocolate. Então eu ouvi uma voz suave em minha mente me dizendo que era melhor que eu não bebesse. Eu olhei para o meu pai e disse: "Pai, o gigante está na mesa!" Meu pai olhou para mim, sorriu e disse: "Muito bem, você se lembrou da nossa história!" E eu escolhi não tomar o chocolate.
Ninguém mais, na mesa, entendeu o que nós estávamos falando, só meu pai e eu. Apesar de ter sido difícil no começo, Jesus me ajudou e eu me senti muito feliz obedecendo.
One day I was at grandma's home and I had my devotional with my daddy. We were talking about David facing the giant and daddy told me that sometimes we have to face giants in our lives. Giants are temptions that we have to face. Some temptations for me are foods that are not good for my body, like regular ice cream and chocolate, other temptations are the Barbie doll that teaches me wrong things, watching TV and some videos.
After my devotional we went to the table for breakfast then grandpa brought chocolate to the table to drink with milk. When I looked at it I felt like drinking chocolate. Then I heard a soft voice in my mind telling me that it would be better for me not to drink it. I looked at my dad and I said: "Daddy, the giant is at the table!" My dad looked at me, smile and said, "Very good, you remembered our story!" And I chose not to drink the chocolate.
Nobody else, at the table, understood what we were talking about, only me and my daddy. Although it was hard at first, Jesus helped me and I felt very happy obeying.